7+ Winter Break Activities to Keep Busy Kids...Busy!

Winter break is right around the corner, and we know how it can be.

The first day or two is full of excitement that school is out and you can all sleep in a little later, play a little more, maybe watch a family movie. Then there's the busyness of the holidays to fill in a couple days as well.

But then the high wears off and the pent-up energy needs to come out! We've got you covered with a list of inspiring ideas to keep those busy kids busy during the winter break.

2-Ingredient Icicle Ornaments - Happy Hooligans

Icicle Ornaments

These glittery icicles are an ideal project because it will intrigue the science-minded, delight the artistic decorators, and it is much sturdier than it's delicate appearance.

winter activity for preschool

No-Mess Snow Window Sensory Play

Perfect for ages 2+, this allows them to get creative and use their imagination. Extend the learning and fun by asking your child to tell you the story behind her wintery scene. 

Fine motor play with ribbon -- great busy idea for toddlers to do

Ribbon Fine Motor Play

A no-mess option for the toddler-set, this is a super simple, engaging twist on the basic in-and-out play that young children love. If you don't have ribbons, just look around the house for whatever you might have lying around.

Another twist on this one is to use an empty wipes container and ribbon or any other fabric scraps you have. Babies and toddlers always seem to love pulling out the wipes when they're not supposed to - here's their chance to go crazy with it!

Alaphabet Game

Find & Match Alphabet Game

This one will keep 2-4 year olds busy for a while. Perfect when you need a quick coffee break to yourself, plus it's the kind of fun play that develops multiple skills at once - and they don't even know they 're learning!

Bubble Wrap Hopscotch

Bubble wrap is such an entertaining invention, for kids and adults of all ages! It's great for getting out that extra energy and developing gross motor skills. You can have little ones jump on large pieces for the fun of hearing it pop, and for school-age children, create an indoor hopscotch course. Just be sure to tape it down wherever you're using it, so it doesn't slide out from underneath their little feet.

Discovery Box: Straws

Give your child access to something they usually want to dig out of the cupboard - straws. This will develop their fine-motor skills, creativity, and have them concentrating quietly. Sure, you might be finding straws underneath the couch into the spring, but it's an inexpensive, low-mess delight for your toddler!

Need more ideas?!

20 Ways To Keep Toddlers Busy

Teaching Mama has 20 MORE great ideas to keep your little ones active and learning over winter break. Anything can be turned into a game or activity...you just have to use your imagination!

To love, laughter, and learning ~

Header image credit: Môsieur J. [version 9.1] via Compfight cc